Strategic Web Site Design

Creating a website and putting it online is like buying a car without knowing that it needs gasoline to run!

The gasoline of the internet is visitors! Traffic, traffic, traffic!

Traditional webdesign looks like this:


Strategic Webdesign

strategic webdesign

Market Research:

  1. Similar products.
  2. Competition (Other companies with similar, competetive or supplemental products).
  3. Customers (age, gender, online habits, first and second level needs, geo location, online location).
  4. Keyword Research.


Strategic Design:

  1. Logo.
  2. Image style.
  3. Text/copy style.
  4. Symbols.
  5. Functionality on the site.
  6. Platforms (Phone, pads, monitors).
  7. Psychology (Need based, help based).
  1. Which tools to use (CMS, Hosting, Social Media).
  2. How to use them (Social Media strategy).



  1. Programming.
  2. Photo and image processing.
  3. Copy writing.
  4. Backup strategy.


SSEO (Stretegic Search Engine Optimization):

  1. Keyword, header and URL optimization.
  2. Speed Optimization.
  3. Image Optimization.
  4. Database Optimization.
  5. Automation.


Online Marketing:

Part 1 – Small scale test.

  1. Test functionality.
  2. Conversion Optimization.

Part 2 – Launch.

  1. Linkbuilding (backlinks).
  2. Statistics (Analytics, Webmastertools etc.)
  3. Joint Ventures.
  4. Social Media usage (YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.)
  5. Listbuilding.
  6. Advertizing.